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Welcome to

Nute Ridge
Bible Chapel


"Preaching Christ since 1890"


Dates and times

Worship Service

10:00 AM -
11:00 AM

Nute Ridge Bible Chapel, 99 Nutes Rd,
Milton NH 03851

Bible Study
(All Ages)

9:00 AM -
9:45 AM

Nute Ridge Bible Chapel, 99 Nutes Rd,
Milton NH 03851

Prayer Meeting &
Bible Study

6:30 PM -
7:30 PM

Nute Ridge Bible Chapel, 99 Nutes Rd,
Milton NH 03851

For a list of weekly events click the link to
view our full bulletin!

I'm New!
What To Expect

We are so excited to have you come and visit us!  When you arrive, we have parking available on both sides of the road and it is not uncommon for cars to line the sides as well.  You will see two church buildings.  The brick building is called “Chapel one” and houses our adult Sunday School/Bible study that begins at 9:00 AM.  We have coffee and refreshments available at 8:30 AM.  When you come in Chapel one for Sunday School, you will be greeted by someone that can show you to the children’s Sunday School in the new building which we
call “Chapel two.” 


Our worship service lasts one hour and is held in the new building with the main entrance under the portico. As you enter, you will be met by one of our greeters who will offer you a bulletin that details the order of that day’s worship service.  They can also guide you to the nursery which is available for children 4 and under. Our church is made up of people of all ages and backgrounds. It is not uncommon to find people wearing jeans as well as coats and ties and everything in between. You are welcome as you are and encouraged to dress in whatever way makes you most comfortable. We are a very friendly church, and many people arrive early to be able to chat with one another. 


Prior to the start of the service, there will be announcements for the coming week, and we will open with a prayer. Our worship service includes a variety of music including classic hymns as well as modern gospel favorites.  We have children’s church for ages 5 to 12 during the service; the entire congregation joins with the children in singing, “This Is the Day” as they depart to meet in an adjacent room. There they will have a specially prepared lesson that teaches them about Jesus. Your children will rejoin you in the sanctuary before the end of the service.

For Members, click below for the Church Directory

Come Visit

Nute Ridge Bible Chapel 99 Nutes Rd, Milton, NH 03851

​Nute Ridge Bible Chapel

99 Nutes Rd
Milton, NH 03851

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requests below...

©2024 Nute Ridge Bible Chapel

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